Working Groups


Spring 2022 Working Groups on Inequality sponsored by BRIDGE

BRIDGE (Building Research on Inequality and Diversity to Grow Equity) brings together Rice University faculty and students to enrich their understanding of inequality by leveraging our location in Houston, Texas, one of the nation’s most racially and ethnically diverse urban centers. We aim to enhance knowledge of inequality’s patterns, causes, and consequences, promote dialogue and action about inequality’s impact, and invest in the training of future scholars of inequality.

To this end, in May 2022, BRIDGE devoted resources to a series of working groups that nurture intellectual clusters examining inequality and identifying solutions. The BRIDGE working group's goal is to develop a cross-disciplinary incubator that will encourage scholarly researchers of different backgrounds, disciplines, and institutions within the Greater Houston region and facilitate rigorous exploration of emerging research areas. Selected working group projects address new and enduring scholarly issues focused on the areas of immigrant health, environmental justice, and climate education, and health disparities. The Working Group Directors (WGD) joined the leadership of the BRIDGE initiative as members of the steering committee.


Working Group Awardees

  • Dr. Joseph Campana and Dr. Weston Twardowski, “Innovative Climate and Environmental Education Development”
  • Dr. Amarilys Estrella and Dr. Victoria Massie, “Stressful Crossings: How Black Immigrant's Health is Immobilized in Houston"
  • Dr. Kirsten Ostherr  and Dr. Keisha Ray, “Leveraging Medical Humanities to Eradicate Racial Health Disparitites”